Wednesday, April 3, 2013

One of the best tatoo artist none has ever heard of Intoducing Ego Haya ..

Hands down Ego from Ego Ink is the best free hand tattoo artist in the Harrisburg  if not Pennsylvania! The eye he has compliments his free-hand style in such a way that makes him distinctive and highly sought after.
With my body riddled with tattoos a little over 80% of my body I ve seen a lot of work in Pennsylvania. My only wish in life is that I had more room on my body for this man.. OK my adventure started I was dating this girl who had the most elegant back piece that I have ever seen. She had a beautiful Gothic, Victorian chandelier encompassing her whole upper back.  She told me she got it from this guy named Ego .My first thot was why are you getting by some guy named Ego? Second thot was where I can find him.  She told me that I could find him on Facebook so I hit him up, long story short I went to my appointment with really nothing in mind. I told him my lame idea of an octopus he politely said in his Filipino accent "I will take care of it man  " So with my trust in his hands and my heart in stomach, he starts taken his sharpie and starts etching .By time he was done I said "this is way better than what I had in mind "!!
I’ve seen this guy do my friend quarter sleeve in forty five minutes and only used his shader , and didn't  sacrifice line work or detail. My friend talking to me the whole time;" said he has the softest touch he has ever felt."  His customer service and   , diversity of styles, and versatility with an eye for detail whether it’s painting the murals for high end establishments, or tattooing his friends. He puts his heart and passion in everything he does which in turn shows up in his work. “The same brush stroke I use to paint works of art is the same technique I use to tattoo". Uses a wide color spectrum and grey washing is second to none .He also brought to my attention that he was interviewed by Ink Master the reality show. A show he said he did not apply for which says a lot. Don’t think one second that I’m a professional blogger you have another thing coming ,I’m just a guy who love people who have a passion, and a zest for life and I don’t care if chef, florist ,or artist I can’t stand people who never try anything new; I know a guy who never tries anything new all he wants is chicken fingers even if he is in a Thai restaurant .This guy not a chicken finger type of guy if you bring him an idea he makes it better, if you have something in your head he can transfer it to your skin. He presents an atmosphere of peace, and love sets him apart.  If you come in as customer you leave as friends.  If you want cookie cutter, overpriced, stencil kings then you can find that anywhere. Here some examples of his of meticulous and awesome work enjoy.
Instagram /egoink
Harrisburg Pa.17109
3423 Walnut St.

Cover up...

Instagram /egoink
Harrisburg Pa.17109
3423 Walnut St.